Making an Endless Runner

Lets start with a bit of research. What is an endless runner? An endless runner is a game where the players character is continuously running and the score is based on distance travelled or an end goal for each level.

Space Dash
Cave Runners
Moonlight Mori

I have chosen a spaceship avoiding asteroids through an asteroid belt.

Lets list some of the more obvious things the game will need to be a game.

  • Firstly, a player, Im going to stick to something simply geometric, like a square shape.
  • A level. The level obviously has to be endless and the score tracked by maximum distance travelled.
  • Asteroids. To get further the player will have to avoid asteroids, like in a cheesy sci-fi movie scene.
  • Whats the point in doing it if theres no score? A scoreboard/leaderboard.
  • Wrap this up in a little menu system to play/pause/retry/scores. Oh, and quit when you've realised how bad it is.

    That should get us a basic game. Next we'll have a look at a basic UML for what we will need.